About Pace Wisdom
Pace Wisdom Solutions is a deep-tech product engineering and consulting firm with offices in San Francisco, Bangalore, Singapore, and Frankfurt.
Revenue: $9M
Employees: 220
Website: https://pacewisdom.com
Blog: https://blog.pacewisdom.com (powered by superblog)
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pace-wisdom-solutions
Pace Wisdom has been working with Fortune 500 Enterprises and growth-stage startups/SMEs since 2012.
Some of their notable clients:
- Deloitte
- Philips
- Societe Generale
- PharmEasy
Reason for Migration
Like many other companies, Pace Wisdom wanted to use WordPress for their blog. They set up their WordPress blog and installed 15+ plugins to help them with maintenance and optimization.
Everything was going fine until one day. They started seeing hundreds of unrelated blog posts being published to their WordPress without their knowledge. Those blog posts contained spam links to ecommerce websites around the world. For a company of that size and clientele, this is a bad outlook.
They tried to investigate the issue. All the spam posts were deleted and suspicious plugins were uninstalled. It was okay for some time but the problem kept happening repeatedly.
Anyone aware of this situation can easily identify the common denominator - WordPress. It is a major issue with WordPress that attackers identify exploits/bugs/vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins, themes, and installation to compromise WordPress websites and blogs.
So, they decided to move to a more secure and stable blogging platform. After a thorough research, Pace Wisdom Solutions decided to use Superblog for their blog.
Migration Process
Superblog has an extremely easy migration feature. All it takes is one click. You can migrate from WordPress to Superblog by just giving your blog URL or XML file. That's it! Superblog will download all your blog posts, images, tags, and categories automatically.
You can then configure your domain as per the instructions in the superblog dashboard to connect your blog URL to superblog.
You can migrate your blog from existing platforms like WordPress, Ghost, Webflow, Blogger, Medium, Drupal, Spreadsheets, Zip files, etc. with one click. You can read more about migration here: https://superblog.ai/docs/dashboard/data#import-posts
Why is Superblog better?
Superblog is a highly secure and blazing-fast blogging platform when compared to WordPress. Superblog doesn't require installing any third-party plugins because all the functionality you might need for maintenance and optimization is built right into the platform. That removes a large attack-surface area.
In addition to that, Superblog is JAMStack. It means that your blog is pre-built into static files of HTML, Javascript, and CSS and then deployed onto a CDN. That way attackers can't infiltrate your public blog.
You can focus on writing content instead of setup, security, maintenance, design, and SEO.